JavaScript core features and attributes

Chidume Kenneth
2 min readDec 4, 2022


JavaScript was created initially to make web pages active. It was not initially called JavaScript but rather ‘Livescript’, but due to popularity of java language name the prefix java was attached to it as more of a strategy to make the language more popular. But there are no semblance whatsoever between the two, apart from they are both programming languages.

Today because of the open source nature of JavaScript, it not only works on browser but on any device that has JavaScript engine installed on it.

Features of JavaScript

Interpreter Centered

Java Script is an interpreted language which allows the user to get the output without the use of Compiler. That means the input performed by the user gets rendered directly without the compiling of codes.


This is a feature in OOP where a class inherits features from a parent class but possesses extra features which the parent doesn’t. The idea here is, for example, say you want to create a lamboghini class. Instead of creating the class from scratch — stating the name, model and color property afresh, you’d inherit those properties from the parent vehicles class.

class Vehicles{
constructor(name, model) { = name;
this.model = model;
drive() {
return `${} is moving`;
start() {
return `${} engine is on`;
class Lamboghini extends Vehicles{
constructor(name, model, color) {
super(name, age);
this.color = color;



we can see that the lamboghini class is a subclass of the Vehicles class , because it is an extension of the Vehicles class. It inherits all the properties of the Vehicles and can go further to define it’s own class just like we did here, the playMusic method.

Ability to Perform In Build Function

Java Script has many In-Built Functions like isNAN (), Number (), parseFloat (), typeOF and parseInt () etc. isNAN is used to identify that input object is correct number format. parseFloat function is used in the conversion of the object into a number. parseInt Function is used to analyze strings. typeOf method is used to check the type of a variable.

Case Sensitive Format

The codes written in Java Script are Case Sensitive .

let sum = 20;
// is different from
let SUM = 20;

Handling Events

The Java Script has the ability to control operations updated on servers. Or responding to actions or events performed by user. This is basically controlling the response on the website when the user tries to perform any operation like clicking on links and options, interaction response over the website, etc. or controlling other browser or device related actions or events like onclick, onload etc.



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